Who knew that toilet rolls would become such a sought after item! It’s usually a small thing that no-one pays a huge amount of attention to. Here at Clarity Solutions we believe that small things can make a big difference. Like the way we use Print Audit software to monitor toner levels in your copier remotely so we can deliver replacements to you just when you need them. Like getting our toilet paper and tissues from a company that supports sanitation schemes in developing countries.
In the Clarity Solutions offices our toilet paper is supplied by Who Gives A Crap. It’s made from bamboo which needs a lot less water than trees and grows much quicker so is more sustainable. AND Who Gives A Crap donate 50% of their profits to help build toilets for those in need. To date they have donated almost £1.5Million to non-profit organisations working to improve access to hygiene, water and basic sanitation in developing countries. When you consider that a child under 5 dies EVERY TWO MINUTES as a result of diarrhoeal diseases caused by poor water and sanitation, often as a result of not having access to a toilet, this is clearly an important issue that needs attention.
Click here to find out about one of the projects that Who Gives A Crap have recently supported in one of the oldest slums in Nairobi.
Now that’s a cause we can get behind.
Maybe you could too.